Search Engine Solutions

Easily achievable ROI

Grow Your Revenue with Pay Per Click, Google Shopping, & More

We’re Google advertising experts: Our certified Google Premier Partner digital ads specialists have helped store owners earn over $4 million from pay per click advertising over the last 12 months.

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Our Digital Advertising Expertise

Pay Per Click

Pay per click advertising is simple: you bid on certain keywords, your ad shows up and then you pay Google any time someone clicks on your ad. Digital advertising agencies that do it well will be able to take that ad investment and deliver a return in the form of more revenue.

There are many different forms of Pay Per Click advertising, the most common being Google Search ads. Our team is Google Partner-certified with more than 10 years in the PPC game. We know how to mine Google for relevant, conversion focused keywords, generate engaging ad copy, and ensure that your budget drives a return on ad spend.

Shopping Feeds

For e-commerce websites, shopping feeds, or comparison shopping engines, are a great way to drive traffic to individual products. With a much lower cost per click than search ads, shopping feeds is a great way to drive revenue to low cost and high quantity product catalogs.

The benefits of shopping feeds allow you to drive conversions at the product level by including product information like the product’s name, price, and image, leading to high quality leads.

We specialize in Google Shopping, Bing Shopping, Amazon Ads, and product listing ads on social media platforms.

Display Advertising

Display advertising is one of the best ways to get your brand and products in front of a new audience. Our experts help you build, design, launch, and manage display advertising campaigns across all major display networks.


For e-commerce stores that need to get in front of new customers or have repeat buy products, remarketing paid ads campaigns are a great way to ensure your customers remember who you are. Our PPC experts will help you generate remarketing lists and unique audience profiles to track performance across search and display networks.

Our Google Advertising Process

At Autosend our team of Google Partner advertising experts are well versed in growing local businesses. From helping mom and pop shops get their grasp on the digital marketing space to driving the bottom line for established businesses, our specialists have seen it all.

Campaign Development

The key to a successful campaign is developing a solid foundation. We research keywords and write compelling ad copy for PPC campaigns, and gather your product information to launch your Google Shopping campaigns.

Campaign Launch

A lot goes into launching a Shopping Feeds or PPC Search campaign! After the campaign is developed, we launch, and then get monitor to make sure everything is going smoothly before we start making changes.

Campaign Development

Ongoing optimization is key to get you the best results. We frequently review and update keywords, adjust bids, write new ad copy, and perform many other frequent campaign updates.


Search PPC Campaign
$ 400 Monthly
  • Leads Focused Campaign
  • Be Found When People Are Searching
  • Monthly Reporting
  • Best for Small Businesses


Search & Display Campaign
$ 500 Monthly
  • Leads & Conversions Focused
  • Reach More New Customers
  • Show Ads To Existing Site Visitors
  • Monthly Reporting


Search, Display, & Shopping
$ 600 Monthly
  • Comprehensive marketing strategy
  • Campaign management
  • Expert performance monitoring
  • Multi-platform advertising

Frequently Asked Questions.

Google AdWords is arguably the most targeted form of advertising out there. It’s so targeted because when people search on Google, they’re essentially telling you exactly what they’re looking for. And that’s where your ad can show up – right alongside those search results!

What’s more, it’s also one of the most trackable forms of advertising available – as long as you set up conversion tracking on your website. When you compare this to other forms of advertising like radio and print, it’s easy to see why. With radio and print, it can be tough to determine just how well they’re working for you. Sure, if your store gets busier after running a radio or print ad, you might assume it’s working.

But can you accurately calculate the cost per lead or figure out the best time to run your ad? And what if you decide to run both radio and print ads at the same time? It’s pretty much impossible to know which one worked better.

No, Google AdWords is much more than just a single type of ad! It’s actually an advertising platform that gives you access to a wide range of advertising locations and campaign types. The most commonly talked about type of ad is the Search ad, but there are many other options available as well. For example, there are Display ads, which are the banners you see on websites. There’s also Remarketing, which lets you show ads to people who have already visited your website. And don’t forget about YouTube – you can advertise there too, with both banners and video ads.

On top of that, there are many different ad formats to choose from. You can use text display ads, static banners, animated banners, videos, and even lightboxes. With so many options available, you can find the ad format that works best for your specific needs and goals.

SEO is a long-term game that involves setting up your website and online presence in the right way to attract more organic search and referral traffic. This type of traffic doesn’t cost anything, but you’ll need to invest time and money to get it right.

Despite its importance, SEO is often overlooked and underestimated by both businesses and web developers. It should always be a crucial element of your digital marketing mix.

On the other hand, Google AdWords is a quick way to bring in targeted traffic to your website. It’s easy to set up and generally faster than SEO when it comes to generating traffic. Both options require ongoing investment, but with AdWords, you’ll only pay for clicks from interested users.

With SEO, you need to invest before you can start to see traffic coming in. With Google AdWords, you usually pay only when people click through to your website.

Both SEO and AdWords are important. In fact, certain SEO elements can help improve the quality of your AdWords campaigns.

It’s worth noting that running paid advertising with Google won’t affect your organic search rankings. However, it may boost the clickthrough rate of your organic listings, as searchers may see your brand in an ad before scrolling down to your organic listing.

Running a Google AdWords campaign without knowing how to use the platform can quickly turn into a money pit. I once ran a campaign for a client and within minutes, I was able to save almost 50% of their ad spend. They were serving ads for completely irrelevant search terms!

Another client was using a generic Google helpline to run their campaigns, and I was able to cut their cost per click in half – from $2 to $1. They had been spending twice as much as they needed to! It’s not unusual for me to take over an internally managed AdWords account and improve the average clickthrough rate from 1-2% to over 10% (and sometimes even higher). With those results, the returns on ad spend can be many times greater than the initial investment.

All of those metrics are great, but I can also help you set up conversion tracking so you can track monetary values. After all, that’s the ultimate metric to measure – how much money your ads are actually generating for your business.

AdWords is a powerful tool that changes often. However, it can be dangerous if you focus on the wrong metrics. While Google says Click Through Rate is important, return on investment is the ultimate metric, though it takes a bit more effort to set up. This involves getting Google Analytics set up correctly and integrating different platforms for more data.

If you’re not familiar with all of AdWords’ features, your campaigns may suffer, and you could end up spending more than necessary. A well-structured campaign can mean the difference between a $5 cost per click and $1.

I’ve seen messy situations with internal campaigns targeting vague keywords and multiple AdWords versions running simultaneously. Running successful AdWords campaigns requires investing time and effort. You may be better off focusing on your business instead.

To make your campaigns work better over time and expand them, you need to manage and optimize them regularly. This involves creating new ad groups and keywords, pausing ads or keywords that aren’t performing, making suggestions for new campaigns, checking and adjusting your budget, and ensuring your ads aren’t shown for irrelevant keywords.

The advertising space is constantly changing, with millions of real-time auction calculations happening every time an ad is displayed. By optimizing your campaigns, you can keep improving and expanding them. Even if you don’t make any changes, your results could be different week to week or month to month due to other advertisers launching new campaigns.

What Clients Say About Us

Curious about what real clients have to say about working with the Autosend team? Check out our reviews on Yelp or Google to hear firsthand about their experiences with us.

"It's like I have a money-printing machine"

I hired Autosend to run Google ads for my landscaping business after I broke off my relationship with ReachLocal. They were able to take my campaign and turn it all the way up! I get more than 10x the leads I used to get with ReachLocal.

Danny H.

CEO, Bay Area Sustainable Landscaping

"Autosend's Google team knows how to make Google work for SMB."

After months of trying to get Google Ads to work for my online store, I decided to look for an expert to help me get things set up. I found Autosend and they’ve helped me get a 300% ROAS. AMAZING!

LeAndre D.

Owner, ActiveStore

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